Kevin and I spent the day in San Francisco -- we had lunch in Sausileto over looking the bay -- they had some of the best fresh seafood. Then we went to Golden Gate park and went to their new Academy of Science museum -- it was great.
We drove down the hill to the ocean and walked the beach as the sun set -- the kite surfers were really fun to watch. We walked up to The Cliff restaurant (where we had breakfast on our honeymoon). Then went to Union Square, walked up to the top of Nob Hill, went into the Fairmont and walked up the stairs of Grace Cathedral and back down the hill. We poked around in the mall on Market, went into Macys, and had an Italian dinner and a raspberry dessert before we headed home. A really nice day. On Saturday, Jeff, Wendy and Micah came over. Micah made me an awesome flower basket like the one in a story he loves -- with yellow roses and pink camelias and blackberries. What a treat!

Happy Birthday Luann!
Happy Birthday Luann. We are looking forward to seeing you today. : )
Happy Birthday, Lu! What a great way to spend your day off: Sauselito and San Francisco! The pictures look like it was sunny too. Happy Birthday!!!
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