Wednesday we went to Na ‘Aina Kai Botanical Gardens. Joyce Dody, the former wife of Charles Schulz (creator of Peanuts cartoons) and her husband have created an incredible garden of tropical flowers and trees.
We went on the 5 hour walking tour and amazingly Kevin enjoyed it. We walked through the hardwood plantation (they’ve planted 60,000 teak trees, plus mahogany, rosewood, etc.) to help support the gardens in the future.
The second photo is a picture of a pair of "
nene." Down by the beach we saw 11
nene – they were almost extinct (down to just 30 birds) in the 1970s. (They are a cousin of the Canada goose.) Today they estimate that there are about 1500 birds.
The third photo is a banana tree -- notice the tiny clump of bananas and the long "flower" with the purple tip. It's a pretty cool flower. You can tell when the grower has allowed the bananas to ripen on the tree by how round the bananas are -- the more
octagonal the earlier they were picked.
I loved the beautiful jade blossoms (above)-- the blue jade was bizarre. I loved seeing the carnivore flowers (bug-eating flowers with trap doors that lure bugs in and then the flower eats them) and the view of the beach from the gazebo was fabulous.
A great and exhausting tour.
We walked down to the Hyatt and enjoyed the evening from the Terrace restaurant. As we walked home it started to rain—and then really rain. It’s fun how it’s warm rain so it really doesn’t matter.