Another beautiful sunrise this morning (first picture). They truly are "new every morning." I keep thinking that the sunrise will become routine, but every morning it's more beautiful than the previous morning. I've been recalling Psalm 23 and the Lord's Prayer before I get out of bed in the morning, and then I get a cup of coffee and watch the sunrise. And then we read and write for a couple of hours. I've really been enjoying a couple of books by Dallas Willard and I've been reading the gospel of Mark and writing in my journal. And then Kevin and I talk for a couple of hours and then we decide to get going, and "start our day." I could get used to this routine!

Today we decided to go for a hike in
Waimea Canyon. On the way to the car, the sun was lighting up the ginger so I had to take a picture. Ginger is one of my favorite flowers over here.

We stopped to look into the canyon and a couple also stopped to check it out. The man was standing right behind me -- and all of a sudden he starts kicking and jumping. So I turn around wondering what the heck is going on...and he's holding his feet about about ready to cry. He was wearing flip flops and was bit by a centipede. Sure enough, we checked under the rock and there was a 6 inch centipede. It was SO disgusting. Totally
creeped Kevin and I out. UGLY! We got out our guide book and it said that he wouldn't die from the bite, but he would wish that he would. The only remedy the doctors give is to stay drunk for 3 days...apparently it hurts somewhere between a wasp bite and a gun shot wound and doesn't let up. The guy was really miserable. It was awful. So much for looking at the canyon. If you go to Google and type in "centipede kauai image" you'll find photos just like the one we saw. They are totally disgusting!
We drove to the end of the road --watched helicopters come into the valley (third photo) --4,000 feet above the Na
Pali coast. It's go beautiful up there and the blue of the ocean melts into the blue of the sky.
Then we went for a little hike in the forest. Lots of green trees and a few birds -- no wild flowers though. I keep thinking that I'm going to find a wild spot that looks like a garden -- but we never do. It's funny. Plants grow really well with all of the sun and rain over here -- but I keep expecting to find orchids growing wild, and they really don't.
Our waiter tonight came over in 1978 to go surfing with his buddies, and he's been here ever since. Thirty years surfing and waiting tables. The pastor at church last Sunday came over here 30 years ago to surf and him and his buddies decided to stay. Thirty years surfing and doing ministry. There's something about Kauai ... once you come and enjoy its beauty, it's hard to go back to the rat race.